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Saffron Pumpkin Cake

Saffron Pumpkin Cake

170 g butter
/2 cup nasturtium petals (optional)
1/2 cup caster sugar 
6 egg yolks
1 egg 
A big pinch of saffron threads (or substitute with 2 tsps cinnamon)
1 cup butternut pumpkin, diced in 2 cm cubes
2 cups of plain (all-purpose) flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda

Preheat oven to 175° C.

Bring a large pot of water to the boil. Steam or boil pumpkin until tender but not mushy. Drain nd reserve half cup. Mash the other half.

Using your fingertips, rub the nasturtium petals into the sugar. Don’t be delicate. The more you rub, the more the petals will infuse the sugar.

In a stand mixer, cream the sugar, butter, saffron threads and nasturtium petals for 6 minutes on high speed until voluminous. Continue to mix on low speed and drop in the egg yolks one by one, followed by the whole egg.

Add the pumpkin mash followed by the dry ingredients. Mix until well combined.

Pour the batter into a 22 cm (9 in) round cake tin. Gently push the pumpkin pieces into the batter so they’re evenly scattered throughout. Bake for 45 minutes, or until a skewer test done. Allow to cool on a wire rack. Serve with fresh whipped cream. 

Recipe adapted from Sticky Fingers, Green Thumb.

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