


I’m a cookbook author, baker and mum. This blog is for foodie families looking for recipes that are wholesome, modern and easy to follow. It’s an online companion to my forthcoming cookbook Patacake Patacake, which is all about crap-free family baking.


If you panic one night about what to cook for your kids, my hope is you come here for inspiration. I’ve gathered fuss-free recipes from some of the best cooks and resources out there, and adapted them for tiny people.

Feel free to drop me a line with any mealtime hits you lean on. Like you, I’m always keen for fresh inspiration.


As I dug deeper into the world of parenting websites and family blogs, I didn’t feel like I was getting the real, honest insight into messy kitchen prep and mealtime failures.

Collaborating with photographer Kelli Morris, I’ll be visiting the homes of some humble, REAL parents to take a look at how they experience “the juggle”. I want to champion diverse, creative families and find out how they handle the daily challenges and triumphs of feeding their kids.

No styling, no professional hair and make-up. Just candid snaps of perfectly real bed-hair parents side-by-side with their goofy kids, neck-deep in the organised chaos of home life.

I hope you enjoy :)

Photography: Tasha Tylee for In Bed